Firm News

Weltman Recognized Among Top March of Dimes Supporters in Cleveland

August 12, 2011      |      Sara M. Costanzo, Esq.   

Weltman congratulates the Cleveland office for being among the ‘Top 10’ companies in support of the March of Dimes, Cleveland. As a result, Weltman received a recognition plaque for our participation in the annual March of Dimes campaign.

“Weltman has been supporting the March of Dimes for nearly fifteen years”, explains Sara Donnersbach, a partner with the firm who sits on the NE Ohio Division Board, and leads the annual fundraising efforts. “Our firm employees do a great job providing ongoing support for the March of Dimes, not only in the Cleveland office, but throughout the entire firm.  Our annual fundraising efforts provide employees the opportunity to support this worthwhile cause by giving their time, talent and funds, as well as having a lot of fun and getting to know each other during the process.”

When someone participates in March for Babies, they give hope to more than half a million babies born prematurely each year, as the money raised supports programs in communities that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. Walking since 1970, the March of Dimes has raised an incredible $2 billion to benefit all babies.  It’s the only non-profit organization to conquer its original mission, polio, and strives to accomplish that feat a second time when it comes to prematurity, infant death and birth defects!